Offer a Gift!

In the Office

Are you looking for a special present for your Mom/Dad or wife/husband? Are they stressed or tired after work? Did they not get that promotion they were hoping for? Is their desk messy? 

With a 2 hour Feng Shui office session we can make sure their desk is in the right direction and the objects surrounding them are giving off positive energy and that their environment is harmonious. Giving them time to relax and spend more time with you! 

Offer them a 2 hour session either in their office or home office.

At Home

Offer your Mom/Dad or wife/husband a special present. Are they feeling tired, fed up with tidying your room, going to work or making your dinner... or may be just interested in something new that will make them feel good! 

Let's check that you are living in a balanced and harmonious home.  And surrounded by things that bring you happiness, relaxation and optimism

Moving Home

Moving is always a stressful time in our lives. Make sure your home is rebalanced and set up with new positive energy. Arrange your furniture, beds, pictures etc in the most harmonious way for you and your family. Put the right things and people in their proper place.

A New Arrival?
Donnez à votre bébé un bon départ harmonieux dans sa vie. Assurez-vous qu'il soit à sa juste place dans la famille. La pièce la plus appropriée et bien orientée. Et le plus important, lui donner une énergie positive pour vous assurer qu'il obtienne un bon sommeil apaisant

Give your new baby a great start in life. Make sure s/he is in the right room and right direction. And that they fit perfectly in to the family circle.

Are you getting married ?
Build your love nest as you mean to go on. Make sure you are sleeping in the 'right' bedroom and that your bed is facing the 'right' direction. Harmonise and balance your room. 


You don't know what to offer your Teenager?
Is their room in a permanent mess? Are they having difficulties doing their homework, sleeping or at school?  Offer them the big 'clean-up' make sure they are in the right room, that their bed is facing the right direction and their desk is in the right place to work well.

Call  713 562 4575 for a voucher.
2 hour voucher from $250

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